My participant portal

Check your mailbox for sign-up instructions and access information.

Once  you receive your Participant Retirement Identification Number ("PRID"), the unique identification number that replaces the use of the previously issued AFTRA Retirement Fund Number, you will have online access to the new self-service features of the new AFTRA Retirement Portal.

Learn your vesting status

Your information is now available in quick view. Right from the main dashboard, you will be able to view your vesting status, view your pension earnings and see recent earnings details reported by an employer on your behalf.

Manage your personal information

Keep your personal information with the Fund current. You can update your contact information , such as your address, email and other important information online. All you have to do is update,  save, and done.

Review your recent earnings

No need to wait for an earnings statement to review your recent earnings details . In the new portal, you will have access to view recent earnings reported on your behalf by an employer. You can also submit earnings discrepancy inquiries from this section of the portal.

And much more

The new portal will allow you to securely upload and submit various forms directly to the portal and quickly manage most of your Fund information with the Fund.

If you have not received your portal correspondence from the Fund office, you cannot access the portal now. But don’t worry, we will be reaching out to more participants very soon.

You can view more details by visiting our "FAQs and glossary" page and clicking "My Participant Portal FAQs" . If you still have questions , we are here to help. You can contact Participant Services by using the form on our  Help Center page of our new portal.  Make sure to include your full name, your email address, and the reason for your inquiry.