Retirement Plan at-a-glance
The AFTRA Retirement Plan, together with Social Security and your personal savings, can provide a steady stream of income during your retirement years. The Retirement Plan is a defined benefit plan, meaning that your pension benefit is an annuity, or
a fixed monthly amount. The value of your pension is based upon your career earnings and contributions we receive on your behalf for AFTRA-covered employment.
The AFTRA Retirement Plan offers seven different annuities from which
you may choose. The following pages provide an overview of your Retirement Plan options and other information to help you make the most of your benefits.
Standard annuities
Optional annuities
Who qualifies for Retirement Plan benefits
How contributions and earnings are credited
How your pension is calculated
When you can begin receiving your pension
Before you retire: A checklist
Survivor benefits
Retirement Fund section intro page
Please note that the information provided here is only a summary of these options. For details and additional information,
refer to the current Retirement Fund Summary Plan Description and any subsequent Benefits Updates.
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