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Full Story: The AFTRA Retirement Fund mailed 2017 Earnings Statements to all registered performers who had AFTRA-covered earnings reported on their behalf for performance dates in 2017. Registered performers who had AFTRA-covered earnings reported on their behalf for calendar year 2016 – but not for 2017 – were mailed a letter indicating that no earnings were reported to the AFTRA Retirement Fund with 2017 performance dates.
If you receive a 2017 Earnings Statement (or letter indicating that no AFTRA-covered earnings were reported and no contributions were received on your behalf), please review and verify the accuracy of this information as soon as possible. Covered earnings affect your vesting status under the AFTRA Retirement Plan. While the Retirement Fund relies on employers to make required contributions and report timely and accurate information about your earnings, please remember that you are ultimately responsible for verifying the accuracy of any information that is reported – or not reported – on your behalf.
Visit this page for additional information about the 2017 Earnings Statements.