The AFTRA Retirement Fund Business Continuity Preparedness – Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Mar 6, 2020, 11:31 by sh
Summary: The Retirement Fund believes it is important for participants to know that we are prepared to continue business operations with minimal to no disruption of service should the virus continue to spread throughout the US and increase in seriousness.

Full Story:  The AFTRA Retirement Fund has been monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation very closely. Given the uptick in US cases, we believe it is important for our participants to know that the Fund is prepared to continue business operations with minimal to no disruption of service should the virus continue to spread throughout the US and increase in seriousness.  

Remote operations

As part of our business continuity plan, all Fund employees who perform critical functions have the capability to connect to our secured network and perform critical functions from a home office. The Fund’s systems are regularly tested and monitored to ensure that critical systems are available and secure. 

We have had an emergency message broadcast service in place that allows us to communicate critical information to our employees through phone, text and email messages. In the unlikely event that our physical office is forced to close, employees will be able to continue to service our participants from an offsite location.

Our key priority is the health of our employees, participants and their families; while ensuring our ability to continue to provide timely service to all of our participants.